Thursday 18 November 2010

Re-written Monologue

I had to change my story slightly and do 'Plan B' as i was unable to get permission to shoot at The bear Factory in croydon so i shot at the Bowling alley instead this did mean i had to change my script slightly and my story as there is quite a lot from the bowling and the house scene i have cut the park and Mc Donald's  restaurant out as the film would have been to long to watch and i want to keep it quite short and sweet as i think it then had a better effect on the audience. So this is the new Monologue which has been tweaked slightly. 

"Hi I'm Tim, I'm 14 years old and I go to St Johns high school I like it there even though I don't have many friends, in fact my only real friend is my childhood bear and he's called Chuckles. We've been Bessie mates for ages. He really understands me. We do everything together. Some people think I'm weird but that’s okay because Chuckles doesn't. I hate being apart from him. I'm so excited because today is Saturday and we're spending the whole day together, yeah that’s right the whole day! We're doing Chuckle's favorite thing, we're going bowling. Chuckles a really keen bowler, I remember when I first took him he took to it straight away a proper natural, I’m ashamed to say he’s even a tad better then me! I love going Bowling with Chuckles it's a great bonding experience we have our little talks where I can tell him all my worries and he's a fantastic listener. Chuckles does these certain facial expressions that let me know exactly what he's thinking our connection is great. But I wish one day Chuckles would talk to me properly, it would be so cool. Ahh I don't know what I’d do without Chuck oh yeah that’s what I call him sometimes, only me though I'm the only one allowed to call him Chuck if anyone else dare try to call him that…well let's just say you won't like to see Chuckles when he's angry. So anyways we've had our game of bowling after I’ve been beaten but Chuckles for like the 100th time we always go for a drive-of course not a real car though because I’m not old enough but when I can start driving Chuckles will always be able to ride shot gun. I love chuckles he always cheers me up when I'm down. I could never argue with Chuckles he's too much of a good friend to me, He's been there when no one else was, and not talking to him just wouldn't be right, just unimaginable it would be. I don't know what I’d do without Chuckles, I love him, my only wish is for him to one day talk to me properly like have a proper conversation- oh well I guess maybe one day that day will come soon.”

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