Monday 4 October 2010

Post Secrets - Ideas Generation

Today in lesson to help us with ideas we we told about the book 'Post secrets' which is a book of postcards where pole have written their secrets. We were all given a few postcards each and with that we were told to think of a short film idea just by reading in to this secret on the post card. 

This is my first postcard it read 'I still believe my childhood bear is real. I'm in college, i still talk to her when no one is in the room.' 
I decided to make this in to quite a quirky short film rather then making it in to a quite sad and morbid one as it could well be. My idea was to have a boy that is quite weird- a total social out cast and his only friend is his bear, he has dinner with his bear, goes to the cinema with the bear and even has photographs in his wall with his bear. however although this boy seems to be quite happy with having just his bear but deep down inside he feel a little lonely and the films end with the boy telling his bear how lonely he feels as usual he expects no reply but as quite a funny ending the boy will get a shock as the bear actually replies to him and talks. 
For a short film i quite like this idea as it can be expanded in to something better but is is actually a starting point, it is also something different which is what i like. 

This is my second postcard it read 'I haven't spoken to my dad in 10 years...and it kills me everyday'. 
I decided again not to have anything too sad so my idea was to have a girl that lives with her mum and only her my as her dad as the audience will know left home at a young age. The girl has a good relationship with her mum and really despises her dad and despite him calling her everyday saying 'Hi, its your dad...' she never gives him a chance to say more although through a twist in the end of the short film he secret it found out that the mum actually lies about the girl's father and the man ringing the girl everyday was her REAL father not the man she remembers walking out on her 10 years ago but when this is realized it is too late. 
I like this idea as i think it is vert strong although i think it would be hard to make in to a short film as there is quite a lot of stuff going on and to get the point across in 3 minutes could be tricky.

I found this task very useful as it really helped my think of some ideas, and forces my to be a bit different and more creative and without doing this task i would have been quite stuck for ideas i think i am going to go online and check out the post secrets website as just by reading this postcards i get some many new ideas. 

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