Friday 24 September 2010

THE PRE-LIM TASK- 'The lost Boy' By Darren, Perpetual and I


For this pre-lim task I worked with Darren and Perpetual together we all worked quite well and i think made quite a good short film however it was in no way perfect as there was a lot of things we could have tightened up on when editing and even when we were shooting it. Firstly when shooting it we should have thought a lot more about the location we choose as it restricted us as the stairwell we shot on didn't really allow us enough room for a good shot reverse shot or an over the shoulder shot, this showed in the final product because right up until the main bit of action we had quite a good selection of different shots then it went a little static when the interesting conversation was happening which made it seem visually unattractive especially as the eye was being drawn to the big blue door in the background. This was a silly mistake but we have learnt for next time location is the first thing you should think about and try not to let it limit you in anyway, as it is a lot easier to just change location then it is to work with what you have. When editing our footage it was done quite easily has we only did a few take although it was quite tricky getting the match on match shot to look right as the first time we did it, it was a little off however we sorted it which was done easily enough. The shot at the top of the stairs really didn't look right at all as only the very top of Perpetuals head was and really if it was going to be in shot it should of been her whole head and shoulders really, the composition was all wrong. I have also learnt that once i have the shoot i need, i should leave the camera and don't do any zooms or anything unless completely necessary as it is simply not needed. My group and i found a focus zoom quite difficult and failed to do one, i think maybe for this particular film it isn't important however more practice is definitely needed. The titles in my opinion took the most time as we wanted them to look good and not tacky it was a good learning experience on how to animate titles, our titles aren't perfect but we know how we could improve them to make the animation of the writing rubbing off the board look smoother and given the time we could do it. Overall I think our film wasn't that bad as there were no major disaster and we have all learnt what areas we can improve on for next time. 

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